English Dub Review: Natsume’s Book of Friends “The Letter from the Exorcist”

Overview (Spoilers Below):

Natsume receives a letter from Matoba, an exorcist whom he’s had unpleasant dealings with in the past. The world of exorcists is a dangerous place lately, and Matoba wants Natsume’s help. Natsume wants to refuse, but Matoba threatens to reveal Natsume’s powers to his adopted family, which would spell the end of his peaceful life.

Our Take:

This week’s episode reintroduces us to Natsume’s exorcist adversaries, who share different takes on handling yokai. By that, I mean trapping them in a prison. This is because Natsume received a letter addressed to him from Matoba Seiji. Yes, I’m talking about the same exorcist who previously caused Natsume trouble at the start of the last season and was never brought up again for the remaining episodes. What would a powerful exorcist like Matoba want with Natsume this time?

Before Natsume and Madara could figure that out, they had a brief run-in with an amateur exorcist sealing a yokai inside a pot. However, the seal trapping the yokai isn’t strong enough to keep itself trapped forever. This results in Natsume and Madara taking the pot to Natori to seal it properly. During this visit, Natsume discovered from Natori that the exorcists habitually perform forbidden magic to capture yokai. What’s worse is that the Book of Friends, the one he’s been using to free the yokai’s names, is one of the forbidden elements.

Afterward, the duo finally learns Matoba’s true intention: a request for help dealing with a much more crucial matter at hand. He wants Natsume to attend an exorcist meeting with him to draw out the person possessed by a yokai targeting other exorcists. Of course, being the conniving exorcist he is, Matoba went as far as to threaten Natsume that he’ll expose the teen’s ability to the Fujiwaras if Natsume refuses his help. Not wanting to be an outcast to his adopted family, Natsume reluctantly agrees to accompany Matoba on his secret mission.

This series does get credit for providing antagonistic foes outside the threatening yokai to add to its intriguing yet tranquil stakes, especially regarding Natsume’s beliefs conflicting with the exorcists’ desires. However, the villainous exorcists, except Natori, hardly made much of an impact in the fourth season besides its earlier episodes. It’s too early to say if this season will repeat the same mistake, but I can say that Matoba’s presence helps invigorate my interest in what he’s got planned for our yokai-helping protagonist.