THE KICK LIST: Puppets Amongst Puppeteers

Check out the latest animated projects looking to get ‘Kick Started’ after the jump!

This will be an often revised feature for where we keep you up to date on ongoing animation projects that are being crowdsourced by companies like Kickstarter. Welcome to “The Kick List”, a collection of animated projects and animation-related projects that we’ve come across that we think you need to know about.  New animated projects pretty much show up on the docket daily and as such, it is tough to grab every single one, but we will do our very best in making sure you are informed. This guide is here to tell you about what’s worth keeping an eye on, and what they are all about. “The Kick List” will list animated projects geared towards our audience and from birth to completion you will know what’s going on with your favorite crowdfunding project. Have one we don’t know about?? Shoot us an email @


Funding Date: August 7

Funding Amount: $27200

Alien nightmares meet teenage dreams in this 2D animated Sci-Fi Thriller series.

Puppets Amongst Puppeteers

Funding Date: August 19

Funding Amount: $50000

An indie show about demons and war!

Mandelbrot Hall

Funding Date: Jul 31, 2024

Funding Amount: $50000

Step into MANDELBROT HALL, an animated slice-of-life that decays into cosmic horror. Help us make the pilot episode and receive exclusive merch, including posters, shirts, stickers, and more!

Funding Date: September 4 2024

Funding Amount: $40000

A 2d animated feature film about a shy gay man who swallows a magical rock that turns him into a flamboyant female super hero!

Swift Spark and the Defense Five

Funding Date: August 4 2024

Funding Amount: $8751

An indie animated superhero series with action, comedy, and mystery – pre-production for Season 1!

Check out a list of the successfully funded Kickstarter projects by clicking Page 2 below…