Tonight’s BubbleCAN Preview: Fugget About It “Ass-Jax”

9 Story Fugget About It v03 (2)

Jimmy Falcone was once a feared capo in the Gambini crime family, but when his associates insisted he whack his good old Uncle Cheech, Jimmy had to draw the line. When Jimmy pleads for Cheech’s life to Don Gambini, their meeting ends with Jimmy hurling the crime boss out of a 19-storey window. With the mob out to kill him, Jimmy has no choice but to turn to the dark side and become a witness for the Feds. Jimmy and his family are sent into witness protection in cold, snowy Regina, where it’s hard for a quick-tempered goodfella to live as a regular schnook among naïve, kind and friendly Canadians.

Fugget About It is all new tonight on Teletoon at Night @ 11pm EST, check your local listings!