Shorts Review: Tall, Dark and Handsy Episode 1

Screenshot 2014-07-22 at 9.01.58 PM

Spoilers Below

Tall, Dark and Handsy kicks off similar to an Archer meets Futurama-type series where we meet a crazy scientist named Dr. Ashfaq who brings a cowboy named Rudolph into the future in an effort to fight mutant-hipsters. Now, as a guy who lives about an hour from NYC, I would love nothing more than to see a bunch of hipsters killed off, so I’m game! Rudy teams up with an un-named scientist chick that is your typical Lana or Leela whom looks good but is able to kick-ass too. The duo team up and head downtown where they go toe-to-toe with some sweater-wearing mutants which you would think sounds easy, but it takes crazy chick’s robot and Rudy’s um…fighting skills to thwart their enemies.

The character designs for the show aren’t the most detailed I’ve ever seen, but Rudy is an extremely funny character. Unfortunately, we didn’t really get to know either of the scientists, but the mutant-hipsters were rather well-done. Like you can tell the producers were thinking of someone specific when they were thinking of these things and I’d like to see what else they come up with.