Tired of seeing his friends bullied by Brandi, Jake takes a stand and then a beating from the little girl. Jake decides some training is in order and enlists the aid of Hiko, to be his Mr. Miyagi. He gets beat up again and to make matters worse, his Miyagi bails on him. There is only one thing to do, become a Miyagio himself and train the most violent and crazy kid in the canyon – Vaughn Manderbelt. A good idea soon turns bad as Vaughn unleashes himself on everyone in the canyon. Meanwhile, Norm keeps accidentally seeing all the other canyonites naked and decides the only way to return things to normal is to even the score.

Spoilers Below

Brandi begins bullying the other kids in the canyon, and Jake begins plotting vengeance. The teen-in-a-tiara then claims the Butane kids as her minions.

When Jake approaches Brandi, she beats him up in front of all the other children. When Norm tries to comfort Jake, he’s not much help, since the father himself has been beaten up by a girl – a one-legged dwarf in college, to be precise. Jake begins wandering the canyon, looking for backup. When Hiko takes on Jake as his Protégé, this begins a Mr. Miyagi/Karate Kid montage. Unfortunately, after his training, he still gets his ass handed to him by Brandi.

Meanwhile, Norm accidently sees Frida naked. He becomes very uncomfortable with the idea, although Sheila doesn’t care. Coincidentally, Norm begins constantly catching every canyon resident in their birthday suit and develops a reputation of a peeping tom. When Jake sees much anger in Vaughn, he begins training him for a fight with Brandi, resulting in Vaughn going nuts and kicking Brandi, Jake and Hiko’s ass.After some advice from Vernon, Norm becomes a nudist to restore the balance.

This was probably one of the driest episodes from Season 1, as the jokes were superficial and the cut-away gags were very minimal. Most of the laughs came from Uncle Vernon’s commentary, remarks and advice (as usual).

(5.0 out of 10