

Spoilers Below

Donna wants to renew her wedding vows with Cleveland as a gift for Valentine’s Day and her husband obliges. However, after talking with Lester, Cleveland discovers that he can add some revisions to the couple’s vows that would make him a happier and lazier husband. This pisses off Donna to no end as she takes off in tears at the ceremony much to a befuddled Cleveland. As a result, Donna asks Cleveland to start going to marriage counseling once a week and from the start the Dr Nerse takes Donna’s side for everything! That said, he decides to make a deal with Cleveland that if he starts paying a little more than double his $80 fee a week, the psychiatrist will start taking Cleveland’s side in arguments. Before you can even say murriage, Cleveland decks out his checkbook and voila we now have a bribe! The arrangement works so well Cleveland wants to keep going, but Nerse ups the stakes. In order for Cleveland to keep getting help, he has to start banging out Nerse’s wife. If Cleveland doesn’t, Nerse is going to tell Donna the truth. Fortunately for Cleveland, he doesn’t have to go through with it because Nerse and Donna planned the tryst as a setup in order to save their marriage.

Meanwhile, Junior had to bury his fridge named ‘Perry’ in the back yard after it broke. Fortunately, Rallo was able to dig the  appliance back up and get it working, but much to Junior’s chagrin his little step-bro decides to keep the fridge to himself. Eventually, Rallo leaves the fridge in Junior’s room but with one caveat, Junior now has to pay for all of the snacks and drinks inside. With the fat kid starving, the obscene prices are no match for Junior as he caves in pretty fast.  Soon enough, Rallo’s jig has run its course because Junior finds out that despite the fact that he rang up a $1300 bill, he shouldn’t have to pay it because the snacks were of the ‘not for resale’ variety and as such Rallo isn’t owed anything. When Junior tries to capture his bro, the little one scurries off and out of harms way presumably out of the mini bar business.

We had a pretty solid episode of Cleveland Show ladies and gents, and both plots offered up quite a few laughs most of the small gag variety. For example, Cleveland sending faxes to Donna, or him crumpling up iPads and tossing them away while coming up with vows. Also, the story had one humorous twist after another that turned out very well written. Granted the plot showed strands of Anger Management, but overall it was a good time. The B-plot with Rallo and Junior was equally as funny, what with Junior burying his fridge, or Rallo working on his scheme. As a matter of fact, I think for the first time we are starting to see some noticeable differences between Stewie and Rallo. Where Stewies is more of a sci-fi based manipulative little shit, Rallo is a bit more like Homer Simpson, always trying to come up with ways to line his pockets. This of course makes for a decent one-two punch with Rallo and Cleveland and is one that works well here tonight.

thumbs up sideway

(8.5 out of 10)