Review: The Awesomes ‘Super(hero) Tuesday’

Awesomes S3E9

Spoilers Below:

The episode picked up with Malocchio’s reveal about Mr. Awesome’s evilness, and the gang attacked him, not believing his story. He got away, thanks to a skeptical Hotwire. The Awesomes (for Hire) then sought out Malocchio to investigate his story further, while Hotwire went to Awesome Mountain to dig up dirt on Mr. Awesome.

Prock found Malocchio, who surmised that Mr. Awesome was running for president to obtain the Destroy-o-Bullet, the only invention that could possibly stop him. Prock believed the Doc, and eventually so did the rest of the superheroes.

At Awesome Mountain, Hotwire and Concierge found the secret file from the last episode, but were discovered. They barely managed to escape, and met up with the Awesomes to tell them the news.

Meanwhile, Perfect Man was having an identity crisis (since he still didn’t know about his parents) and Mr. Awesome took the opportunity to incapacitate him via a cryogenic chamber, seeing him as a threat. This turned out to be a good move, considering the Awesomes would need Perfect Man’s blood in order to create a serum that could potentially rid Mr. Awesome of his evil personality.

In Case You Missed It:

1) The artist’s rendering of Prock was amazing. Casts and all.

2) The new reporter was named Standerson Cooper.

3) Lady Malocchio called Dr. Malocchio “Ghost Husband.”

4) Lady Malocchio also called Prock “Pork.”

5) Subbasement 5 contained a cigarette ad featuring Gadget Gal and the tagline “Blow your way to the top!”, an old photo of the old Awesomes, and a sleeping Teleportation Larry.

If I could sum up “Super(hero) Tuesday” is two words, they’d be “character overload.” And no, overload is not meant to be used in a negative way. Quite the opposite.

In addition to the regular cast doing their thing (and my favorite, Perfect Man, with his weird frozen face), we got a hefty dose of Dr. Malocchio with his return to Earth, his wife (my favorite female) and the reveal that she has telekinetic powers but doesn’t use them (“I usually like things where they are,”), a bit of Jeffrey (Fred Armisen), and even a cameo by Teleportation Larry!

With such a character-driven show, seeing so many familiar faces is nothing short of a blessing. Not only that, but they all managed to have their fair share of screentime – and jokes – without it seeming like anything was squeezed in. In other words, character overload without actual overload.

As for the story, it was amusing enough. I really enjoyed the first scene, in which Dr. Malocchio was politely trying to explain his goodness, while simultaneously fending off an entire team of superheroes. The reunion of Dr. & Lady Malocchio was quite humorous as well.

If you’re keeping track at home, this is week nine of The Awesomes, which means next week is the finale. (Say whaaat?!) As expected, it was basically an elaborate setup for the last episode of the season, which often happens in other shows too. That being said, it was surprisingly successful on its own, and did the job as well.

I often find myself giving lower scores to these bridge episode – since they’re usually more functional than funny – but since this was both and is leaving me quite optimistic for next week, I’m just gonna roll with that feeling.
