Review: The Awesomes ‘No Mo’ Sumo’

Spoilers Below

Tim’s parents are getting ready to rip his ass right off of the Awesomes due to failing grades at school AND for safety concerns. Evidently, they are concerned about the fact that Mr. Awesome has left the team and as such that puts their son in danger of being hurt. The IT Team decides to show up to try and stir shit up, but guess what? Tim’s parents kick the crap out of everyone of the IT Team members and sends them packing!

Turns out Tim’s parents used to be criminals at one point which would explain their killer martial arts moves. We also learn that Tim’s parents aren’t even Japanese and are actually Americans. We get a flashback to when Tim’s parents first met when they were a crime syndicate named ‘Dine and Dash’, but when Tim’s mom got pregnant, the couple retired and are now on the run to avoid their past suitors.  Meanwhile, Dr. Malocchio is in the kitchen baking up a storm.

The Awesomes decide to get Tim’s parents hooked up with U.M.B.R.E.L.L.A. an organization similar to secret service that can help hide Tim and his parents and keep them from harm. Problem is Prock has to pull a few favors with a couple of the recent hideaways, but not before the IT Team returns with a big bot to try and squash the super team.

At first the team seems to have a hard time working together, but eventually Prock is able to pull everyone together to come out victorious against the big bot. Problem is Tim got involved in the fight so his parents are pissed and worst yet ‘Frantic’ Tweeted about the ENTIRE fight and despite the fact that he only has 11 followers he soon gains the attention of the news team. The Awesomes take off, and while Malocchio is doing interviews, Perfect Man shows up and gets hypnotized. Meanwhile, The Awesomes are still pulling all sorts of favors for all sorts of people including the Invisible Hand of the Floating Glove aka the people who trained Dine and Dash. When the crew looks to ask for a favor from their leader, they get sentenced to death.

Tim  gets the task in fighting the Glove’s champion in a sort of gladiator type battle and of course this monster is huge as shit and none of the Awesomes can help. Instead of fighting this thing head on, Tim runs around and tires out the huge brute and then cracks him. This causes Glove to grant the Awesomes their freedom and also settle all of their favors. However, a talking Head warns Prock that one of the team members is going to turn on the Awesomes and wreak havoc…who could it be? Dine and Dash leave, but Tim elects to stay behind with his team and right away the guys have to fight the IT Department. The fight causes the team to be zapped into an alternate universe

This week’s The Awesomes did a lot of good things to mature into a proper animated series, but we might have a new MVP…Bill Hader as Dr. Malocchio. I really hope the South Park guys use all of his talents for the upcoming season because he’s a phenomenal voice actor, writer, and is absolutely hysterical. I do think he has been under utilized in previous episodes and it looks as though we are starting to get some more screen time. As a matter of fact, Hader’s really the only one doing voice acting whereas I think the other peeps are just talking with the exception of Kenan playing Impresario’s mom. Not saying that’s a bad thing, just an observation. I love Bobby Lee, one of the funniest dudes alive, and I really loved Tim and his parents as I thought they brought a different dynamic during the action scenes. Also, I’m really starting to dig some of the arcs that start at the end of an episode and pick up next week as it really makes me want to keep watching. The constant barrage of new characters was fun after the first three or so, but I felt that we were going to the well a little too often near the end and I actually think Phineas and Ferb did the exact same premise not too long ago. Also, KNOCK IT OFF WITH THE CENSORS! You really think Jack Link’s Beef Jerky is going to be pissed if you guys say ‘shit’? South Park and Archer get away with a lot worse and I don’t have to pay extra to hear it.