Review: Tangled The Series “Fitzherbert P.I.”

We investigate this week’s episode with a private eye.

Spoilers Below

While Rapunzel tries to figure out the best pose for her official princess portrait, Eugene has decided to try to become a royal guard. Unfortunately, it’s Cassandra’s father that trains the recruits. Eugene wasn’t sure that he would be able to pass boot camp when Cassandra points out that his talents don’t lie in following the rules. Keeping this advice in mind, Eugene passes the guard test. However, he screws up his first assignment because he found it boring. He was supposed to patrol the dungeon every five minutes. Instead, he patrolled for ten minutes, giving him a ten-minute break. During his break, he went to visit Rapunzel and met the royal painter at the same time.

After Eugene gets fired from the royal guard, he notices that one of the royal paintings is a forgery. He figures out that the painter he met is a phony. That guy stole the painting and is trying to get out of the kingdom. Since Cassandra’s father doesn’t believe him, Eugene goes after the thief himself. He catches the guy and retrieves the stolen painting. And, of course, Rapunzel comes up with the perfect painting for her princess portrait.

It’s nice to know that not every episode of Tangled focuses solely on Rapunzel. We got a little more depth to Eugene and we can see that he is capable of doing more than just wandering around the kingdom aimlessly. I hope that, in the future, we’ll have more episodes like this that focus on the other main characters. It may be Rapunzel’s series but it’s not all about her.
