Review: RWBY Chibi “Super Besties”

This episode was 4 mins with zero promo ads.

Spoilers Below:

“Super Besties”

While Weiss is asleep, Ruby whispers subliminal messages to her, urging Weiss to be her new best friend. After a few commands, Weiss wakes up. She checks on Ruby, but finds nothing out of the ordinary and goes back to sleep.

The next day, Ruby drags Weiss away, the both of them wearing matching shirts. When she leaves, she also forces Yang to hand over her motorcycle keys, and it’s revealed that she’s hypnotized Blake to be her ‘backup bestie’.



“Rat in the Hat”

Roman threatens a tailor into dry-cleaning his hat. Pleased at the finished product, he walks away whistling.



“Meet the Author”

Ruby accompanies Blake to a book signing, and Blake is starstruck about meeting her favorite author. She’s both nervous and excited since the author has never shown them to the public before. When she gets to the front of the line, it’s revealed that the author is Zwei, and Blake runs away, distraught.



RWBY Chibi often falls under the problem of reducing its complex characters to one-trait caricatures, and this is another example of one of them. Ruby is depicted as always so desperate for friendship that she’s willing to hypnotize her friends into fitting her standards, even if they’re unwilling. That’s creepy if anything.

Meanwhile, Meet the Author is rather funny, with an unexpected plot twist, showing that just because a lot of time is dedicated to something, doesn’t mean it can’t be funny.

Worst Short: Super Besties

Best Short: Meet the Author