Review: RWBY Chibi “Nurse Nora”

This episode was 3 mins and 19 seconds with zero promo ads.

Spoilers Below: 

“Sister Stuff”

Weiss says hello to Winter, who criticizes her for not having perfect form. Meanwhile, Ruby and Yang fight over who gets some cereal. Winter points out Weiss’ poor form while drinking tea, while Yang eats some of Ruby’s potato chips off the couch. Weiss is being chased by Grimm, and Winter warns her that she’s on her own. Weiss manages to knock back the Grimm using a tree branch, and Winter nods her approval. Meanwhile, an apple hits Ruby on the head, and Yang demolishes the tree in retaliation.



“Nurse Nora”

Ren has a broken leg, and Nora sneaks into his room to try to heal him. He points out that she has no skills in nursing, but she tries so anyway. She attempts to take his pulse, but she puts the stethoscope on his cast instead of his chest. When he points out her mistake, she goes for something more drastic- and raises her hammer for shock therapy. Ren, fearing for his life, pretends that he’s better, and limps away.



After the strong last short, this one was extremely underwhelming. The title skit plays off a Misery parody, but with Nora and Ren it doesn’t really work. RWBY Chibi tends to exaggerate the characters’ quirks, but there was never any bit about Nora being a yandere in the main show. As a result, it seems very out of nowhere.

Considering the last season’s focus on Weiss and her home life, the comparison of her chilly relationship with her family and Ruby and Yang’s more affectionate one is a strong one.

Worst Short: Nurse Nora

Best Short: Sister Stuff