Review: RWBY Chibi “Coming Home to Roost”

This episode was 3 mins with zero promo ads.

Spoilers Below: 

“Coming Home to Roost”

Ruby announces that Qrow is coming to visit them. She and Yang get excited, but Blake isn’t too impressed. Qrow tries to make a dramatic entrance through the window several times, but fails. When he finally manages to do so, the surprise is ruined, but Ruby is happy to see him regardless.



“Read The Sign”

The entire cast is outside, protesting different things with signs. Neo starts to speak into a megaphone, but stops short and holds up a sign of her own, saying she usually talks with signs anyway.



“Life Coach”

Yang has taken it upon herself to become Jaune’s life coach. Under her instruction, Jaune makes sure that he asserts himself, and doesn’t allow himself to get taken advantage of. With his newfound sense of confidence, he invites Weiss out to dinner. She agrees, and he’s excited. When he asks for a kiss, she’s grossed out and freezes him. Yang gives up on being his life coach.



A better collection of shorts this time around. RWBY Chibi is still far from good, but it’s improving.

Jaune continues to be the subject of most jokes, which is a little unfortunate. Life Coach was fairly funny as a short, but it definitely could have ended before Zwei decided to urinate on Jaune. If that part had been cut, it would have been perfectly fine, but the joke went on longer than necessary.

Worst Short: Coming Home to Roost

Best Short: Read the Sign