Review: Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures “Miles’ Counselor Story”

Camp Camp?

At a summer camp Miles worked at, he won an award for “Most Likely To Injure Themselves Doing Something That Wouldn’t Necessarily End In Injury.” Fast forward to college, where he was going to be a counselor for incoming freshmen. Before the counselor orientation stuff started, Miles had an interview for a station manager position at a local TV station. He borrowed a pair of dress shoes from a friend and got all snazzy in a suit. Not only did he not get the position but he also had to immediately go to the counselor training dressed in his suit. Everyone got paired up to go through an obstacle course-type thing with their arms linked. Since Miles was wearing rather slippery dress shoes, he took both him and his partner down with the first step. He ripped his pants, got a bruise, and injured his partner.

A few weeks later, the group was doing another exercise. Once again, Miles trips but this time he knocked over five people and twisted his ankle. He ended up having to wear a boot for his first few months at Rooster Teeth.

I know I have been really hard on the animated adventures for the past couple of weeks. This is the type of story that deserves the time it takes to make an animated short. Not Burnie telling stupid jokes and definitely not Gus being a dick to everyone around him. Maybe the animated adventures should solely consist of Chris, Miles, and Barbara. Gavin can make an appearance once in awhile but it doesn’t seem like anyone else has the capability to hold a humorous story for two minutes.
