Review: Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures “Breaking Conventions, Touching Glass”

A MUCH better effort as compared to last week.

Spoilers Below

Burnie tells a story of a first-time convention that he attended with Gus. The attendance was so poor that there were more exhibitors in the dealers’ room than actual attendees. Gus and Burnie incurred the wrath of the other vendors by playing video games the entire time. They actually left their booth to go to the store to buy a TV, Xbox 360, and a copy of Halo 3 just so they could fight their boredom.

Next, Gus complains about people who reach over the sneeze guard to point at the food they are ordering. Gavin gives an example of a woman who not only reached over the glass, she actually had one hand on the glass and fully extended her entire other arm over the glass. Gus would much rather prefer that people use their words to tell the employees what they want. Going one step further, Gavin thinks they should just number all the food. Burnie has nipped this in the bud very early. He tells his kids not to touch the glass, ever. “If it’s glass and you’re not drinking out of it, don’t fucking touch it.” That, my friend, is some good parenting.

For once, this is an example of an episode that isn’t particularly funny but is still a really good episode. Why? Because both of these stories are actually interesting. These are stories that I would tell while sitting around drinking with my friends. Stories that would spark a good conversation. Not every episode can be funny. But this is proof that every unfunny episode could be amazing.
