Review: Regular Show “Thomas Fights Back”

Well, damn, Thomas gets his own episode! Find out what this guy has planned after the jump!



Thomas is at the park house, when Muscle Man walks in and tells Thomas to bring his clothes to the dry cleaners. As he walks out, he hears Benson and Skips discussing how to get rid of Thomas, because Mordecai and Rigby cornered the market on being lazy and not doing anything. Mordecai calls Benson on a walkie-talkie, and they come to find out that the statue of the park’s founder is missing. It turns out that the owner of East Pines Park, Gene, stole it because he is a prank-happy owner. Benson, Rigby, Mordecai, Skips, Muscle Man, and Pops proceed with Operation Alien Strike Force, while Benson tells Thomas to sit in his office until Benson gets back.

At night, Thomas is observing the plan, with Muscle Man running around like an idiot in his underwear. The other park’s crew come out, and see right through the plan, and costume. Thomas shoots a flare to distract the other park’s workers, and everyone escapes. Back at the house, Thomas wants to help, but Benson tries to fire him then and there. Thomas stops him though, telling them that he was the guy who shot the flare, and that his Mom works for an airline so she gets free stuff like a flaregun all the time. Muscle Man tries to call Thomas a momma’s boy for that, but Thomas gets Muscle Man in an armbar.

Thomas then goes over the plan, which is a long, elaborate one. He interviews for the internship first, then assimilates to the life of an East Pine Worker. Thomas does all of the work of the other interns to gain their trust, and soon, he will have the trust to roam freely to get the lay of the land. Thomas even gets so far as to get the trust of Gene himself, and Gene tells Thomas where the statue is. After 30 days, he managed to find the perfect moment to get the statue. So, he manages to get Benson and the gang into the silo, and would have gotten away with it. There was one minor problem, though. One of the guards goes to wake up all of the interns, and Thomas is found out.

The guard gets Gene, and the surprise is foiled. Gene  goes to call for backup, but that causes an explosion that gives Thomas a perfect diversion to get the hell out. Gene realizes that all of the work he did, the batteries in the walkies, the gas in the golf carts, and even the emergency phone were all a part of Thomas’s plan. Thomas fools the guard at the gate to let the van out, but Gene is coming up fast, trying to get the guard to stop them. He manages to get out just in time, and the statue is sitting safely in the park. He gets a call from his mother, and he gives the notion that it may be a part of a bigger plan.

Thomas is a badass! When did he learn how to do an armbar? Better question is when did he learn park espionage? This episode had the charm that makes Regular Show unique. The writers made Thomas into a badass, with the possibility to be something more than just a side character. This episode built Thomas into what could be an integral character, and making him a mainstay for future episodes.  I’m glad to see that Thomas isn’t just a poor man’s Mordecai and Rigby. One character I want to see more of Thomas’ mother. I may be looking into it too much, but I think Thomas’s mother has more to her than what it seems. Hell, it may not even be his mother? All of this just gives more potential plot lines to dive into.

Thomas gets his time to shine in an episode that is worth the 15 minutes.