Review: Regular Show ”Bachelor Party! Zingo!”

Spoilers Below

Quips has a bachelor party on the way and Skips is invited as the best man which means he’s gotta be the one who plans it for his cousin. Problem is, Quips has no friends, so he needs Skips’ help in recruiting HIS friends to take part. Problem is the rest of the park guys aren’t crazy about Quips, but they decide to pitch in anyway to bail out Skips.

The NEXT scene, we see the park employees mug Quips and stuff him in a stretch limo for a night a of partyin’! The night starts off rather normal with go-karts, bowling, paint-ball tourneys, the whole nine. The issue is that it’s National Wing Day and Skips can’t nail down where do get chicken wings for the party. The dudes hit up the Wing Kingdom, but they aren’t any help due to some jerk renting the place out, so Muscle Man decides to take the crew to ‘Wings for Real Men”. Problem is this place looks like a Bar Rescue reject, but they DO feature an ‘Inferno Challenge’ where if completed the guys get free wings for life. Skips takes the challenge, and yea he MUSCLES through the bucket of wings that are literally on fire. These things are so warped that it sends Skips to an alternate reality where Zingos scour the terrain looking to destroy all in their path. Skips kicks the shit out of these vile creatures and better yet completes the challenge! The restaurant goes back on their word, but Skips grabs a free bucket and takes off with their swarm only to find out that Quips was the one who rented out the Wing Kingdom earlier.

Ya know, every time I go to Buffalo Wild Wings and I see people try their ridiculous hot wings challenge, I can’t imagine the reasoning behind as to why anyone would do that. B-dubs makes a big deal out of it, too when they break out the sirens and get some crazy bitch on the megaphone thereby ruining it for anyone trying to watch the game or a fight.

Thankfully, this bachelor party didn’t have to deal with any of that as they were in a rather secluded wing restaurant, but now that I’ve seen this episode I will forever think of the Zingo! scene when people take part in the B-dubs wing challenges. Unfortunately, it won’t be nearly as funny or hysterical as this episode, but the ones with scenes that stick to your ribs are the episodes worth watching. Oh yea…and fuck marriage.