Review: Red vs Blue “Epilogues”

This is the end.

Spoilers Below:

Caboose sees Church, who demands to know what’s going on. The machine tore open a wormhole into the past, specifically to the time back in Blood Gulch. The team urges Caboose to pull him through, but Caboose refuses. He takes the time to say what he didn’t get to tell Church before he died– that he thinks Church is the coolest person he’s ever met, and nobody will top that, but also that he’ll be okay. Things will be alright, somehow. The portal closes, leaving behind a confused Church.

However, the machine is still active, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to shut it down. Jax says that this usually calls for a heroic sacrifice, but nobody is willing to do so. All except for Vic, who is eager to finally die. The machine has a basic computer system, and while Vic isn’t able to shut it down, he’s able to halt it. Vic states that he’s glad to have spent his time there– but if any of them backed him up somehow, he’s going to be really upset. The machine wraps itself out. Temple tries to sneak away, but Tucker prepares to kill him. Carolina stops him, saying that while they kill, they’re more reactionary, and don’t do it for pleasure. Tucker instead punches Temple out.

Chorus sends reinforcements, but the problem has already been taken care of. Washington is apparently okay and recovering, and Grif reunites with his sister. They give a very short moment of silence before talking about food. Andrews compliments Jax, calling him a partner, finally. Andrews also contacts Carlos, who is in therapy, but quickly becomes enraged when Andrews says that she totaled his ship and that his nephew has some bullet wounds. She then cuts the call short to talk to James.

Andrews narrated a voiceover of the end of her article, saying that heroes are forged and that the Reds and Blues are heroes, even if they’re not conventionally heroic.

After the credits, Jax sells his script on the season’s events to a movie studio, and back in the past, Church vows to forget whatever happened.


That marks the end of the season! The machine didn’t destroy the planet (as it hadn’t been fully activated) and assumably warped itself somewhere else in the time-space continuum. All the heroes made it out alive, and each narrative arc came to its conclusion.

It begins with Andrews and it ends with her too, wrapping up everything in the season so far. The Blues and Reds are taken out, with Temple assumably handed over to the authorities. The only things remaining up in the air are what Washington had to tell the main team, and where Locus went off to, maybe things that can be covered in the next season.

All in all, the last episode wrapped things up pretty well. A pretty good season, with a lot of development. More to come in the official review next week.
