Review: Red vs Blue “True Colors”

A split down the middle.

Spoilers Below:

Loco and Caboose chat as Loco fixes up the machine. As Caboose explains how he’s searching for his best friend, Loco feels for him and says that he’s welcome to use the door that they’re making to find Church. The door can apparently jump across time and space when it’s completed, but Caboose hesitates to use it. Meanwhile, Lopez plays therapist to both Sarge, Doc, and Simmons, much to his displeasure.

Tucker announces to the two teams that he finds everything around here suspicious. The information the team gives him only further solidifies his doubts, and he asks Temple if the Blues and Reds are bad guys. The vague way Temple answers only confirm Tucker’s idea. Temple says that it’s only natural for them to want revenge against the people that used them, but Tucker stands against him. This splits the team into two; those that side with the Blues and Reds (Sarge, Doc, Simmons) and those that side against them. They force the rebels into a prison, and Tucker says he can’t believe their choices. Simmons says that he’s only pretending to be against them, but Caboose accidentally blows his cover. They all make a break for it and barricade themselves in a room.

Caboose mentions several torpedoes in the room with them, but they can’t use them to blow up the base without compromising their safety. Sarge and Serge break into the room and apprehend them, but they see Lopez’s headless body. A torpedo comes out of the ocean, with Lopez’s head attached to it.


The main cast finally catches wind of the big reveal. Tucker stands against them, having been freed from Temple’s influence, and most of the team follows him. The only ones who don’t are Sarge, who’s interested in fighting again, regardless of the cost, and Doc, who’s tired of being mistreated by the main cast. Neither choose to defect because of what Temple preaches to them, but simply because their personal motives happen to align with his end result.

Simmons, who’s usually known for sucking up to Sarge, decides to stand against him. He initially seems hostile, but that’s shown to be a ruse, so he can slip under the enemies’ radar. Instead of following whatever the person higher up in the chain says, he decides to act on his own. He even mentions to Sarge that Sarge has no power over him if they’re on opposing sides.

Altogether, an interesting follow-up to something we’ve been waiting for, and hopefully soon we’ll see what happens to Lopez.
