English Dub Review: Naruto Shippuden “Things You Can’t Get Back”


Remember when I said most filler episodes revolve around a plot that is disassociated with the central plot of that canonical arc? Well, ladies and gentlemen, we’re in for a treat because “Things You Can’t Get Back” is about as disassociated of an episode as can possibly be. “Things You Can’t Get Back” go way back to the time where Tsunade was a traveling, drunk, gambling degenerate.

I’m not sure what purpose “Things You Can’t Get Back” is trying to accomplish. Are we supposed to see how Tsunade was dealing with Dan’s death? Or how about how her brother is dead?  This was the textbook definition of filler, because there was NOTHING concerning the Ninja War except that it was a story with Tsunade and the Raikage long ago. There was a loud, resounding “meh” when the episode started. I knew the string of good filler episodes were only so long.

If you’re looking for an episode that expands the war a bit, this isn’t it. The story revolves around Tsunade being a degenerate drunk, and A trying to get one of his ninja freed from a bomb inside his chest. So, of course, Tsunade wanted nothing of it. She bets on herself to win an arm wrestling duel against the Raikage, and she loses. Again, this falls back to being generic and not doing anything to expand the story.

The only thing that makes “Things You Can’t Get Back” worse is that there’s a second part coming next week. I can’t really say worse, because “Things You Can’t Get Back” is pretty run of the mill, or generic, or nothing new. I just wish that the writers would actually take some time and craft something new, or at the very least make it interesting. There was nothing of the sort, and I think I woke up early for pretty much no reason.