Review: Mike Tyson Mysteries ‘Ty-Stunned’


A woman named Judith requests the services of the Mystery team in the gruesome death of her husband. While Mike and crew heads to the crime scene, Mike’s agent has this idea to sell a line of ties with Tyson’s name all over it. Yung opts the team to go do some research on Dr. Ensler’s patients, one of them named Chainsaw Charlie. Mike signs off on his tie deal, and heads off to Judith’s house after getting a distress call. Thankfully, Mike is able to save the day and bring Rachel to the store.

Not one of the stronger episodes of Mike Tyson Mysteries that we’ve seen this season, but Pigeon did his best to keep this one afloat. Unlike last week where his appearance was scant, this week Pigeon was shitting all over the place about his various addictions, most of which cause him to say some of the funniest one-liners you’ll see anywhere else. We also got one of the few episodes that features Mike in a real fight, and when we do the season review next week, you’ll see that’s a rarity as despite the fact that Iron Mike is the star, he very seldom gets into tussles. In any case, Mike Tyson Mysteries had a successful first season, and there are definitely elements in ‘Ty-Stunned’ that showcase that, but we have had better efforts for sure.
