Review: Camp Camp “Night of the Living Ill”

Zombie camp.

Overview (Spoilers Below):

It’s the Camp Camp Halloween special, and it’s a massive zombie movie parody. Instead of it being the zombie virus, it’s just a regular infection going around. It’s very easily transmittable and takes effect instantly (for comedic effect), and the usual groaning is everyone suffering from their symptoms. Nikki bites Ered, but she does it because she needs to be ‘in-character’, not necessarily because the disease is transmitted that way.

In the end, the hero of the story isn’t Max, but rather Space Kid. Thanks to his space suit, he’s in an isolated environment that keeps him from getting contaminated. He’s not very smart and only ends up succeeding through a combination of pure luck and with the help of a ghost. However, he does manage to get his hands on the medicine to pure everyone, even if he ends up getting sick himself. It’s almost a twist since Max is expected to be the protagonist, but he ends up being a decoy when he gets infected midway through.

The joke of the infection turning everyone into sick zombies is appropriate since the terror of zombies comes from the fact that they can’t be reasoned with and they multiply indiscriminately. They act similar to a virus, and the terror of being unable to defend yourself from something once you’re infected rings true. In this case, it’s actually some sort of infection, since whatever is going around can be easily cured with penicillin. There were no real zombies, at least not this time around. I wouldn’t put it past them for zombies to show up in camp in the coming future, though.

Overall, an okay episode. Nothing particularly thrilling, but definitely filled with the Halloween spirit.
