Review: American Dad “The Missing Kink”




Spoilers Below

Fran wants to get experimental in the bedroom but Stan won’t allow it.  As a matter of fact, Steve gets spanked by Stan, and then he tries it on Fran next who seems to enjoy it.  So much so that she opts to take all of Steve’s spankings in place of her son’s. Eventually, Fran comes clean to Stan as to what she’s doing and she gets knocked out, and banished in the woods. Upon his return, Stan finds that Fran is pretty content with her situation and opts to stay. This frustrates Stan, but thanks to a Roger song he  finds out that he has a kink and he needs to scratch it with his wife.  When finding out about what Stan wants, Fran is starting to get a little leery about what he wants to do in the bedroom…including with an audience watching.  Fran can’t take it, so she opts to tag in Roger whom straightens Stan right up! After he wakes up in the hospital, the married couple decide to go back to normal sex.

Hayley’s been dating a lot since Jeff’s been gone and so Snot decides to make his move and surprisingly she says yes. Soon enough, Fran starts to take a liking to Snot, but he doesn’t seem to like her back so he opts to break to off by playing it off as a gay.


LAX Dadded

Kid Rock? Really guys..Kid Rock?? American Dad had a couple of montages tonight, but when I get one featuring Kid Rock that means the writers are simply out of ideas. That said, the initial plot with Stan and Francine was pretty entertaining as it isn’t often that we get a lot of sex story lines on AniDom and we kinda got two tonight with the other being the Simpsons. But, the montage after montage after montage was just a hassle, and the B-plot with Snot and Steve was rather lame and seemed rather thrown together. But, really guys…KID FUCKING ROCK??? WHY!!!!!!!!!!!

5 out of 10