Reddit AMA Recap: Fired Cyanide & Happiness Creator goes off on former partners


Remember when Matt Melvin was let go from Explosm and the Cyanide and Happiness team? At the time the split sounded amicable, but this brief Reddit AMA session from Matt seems to indicate otherwise:

His favorite thing about working on the comics/shorts/etc

Probably going to conventions. Working on webcomics is a very solitary endeavor. Being able to meet fans face to face and have conversations and give them high fives is really, really cool. Plus, that meant I was able to travel all over the place. I loved every second of it.


On what the hell happened:

I will not. And that’s because I didn’t actually decide to leave. I was removed.

When I announced my departure, I was purposefully vague to protect myself. Explosm posted their response with something about “we talked and made a decision.” That “we” never included me. They talked about it and they decided to kick me out. I was never in favor of the decision, haha.

One week I was in Dallas with my friends signing a metric ton of merchandise as rewards for the Kickstarter backers, the next week I’m being told that I’m getting kicked out of the company.

They never really gave me a straight answer. I assume that since I was one of the “active and vocal” members, when it came to any decision to be made and there were any heads to butt, mine was one of them. Once it stopped being a bunch of friends just making a comic and it became a legit business, things definitely changed.

We are definitely not friends anymore. One might regret it, but I can’t really say for sure. I don’t forgive them in the slightest.


Suffice it to say, things did NOT end the way they initially seemed. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if something in the realm of ‘legal action’ is set forth as time goes on. Money is a mofo…and it leads to more separations than marriages, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this had something to do with the decision. Read the rest of Matt’s Reddit AMA session here.