Laura Clery Working On Multiple Animated Projects For Comedy Central ; Facebook ; Netflix

Wow, she’s busy.

Laura Clery is reportedly working on a bunch of animated shows, one of which is a CG-animated sketch series coming to Comedy Central’s Snapchat channel called The Laura Clery Project. 

The series features CG-animated filters over the face of Laura as she plays a bunch of different characters. Almost like a modern-day Tracey Ullman Show only much shorter episodes for Snapchat. Turns out, the reason they are using CG-animated filters is that Comedy Central is distributing the project on numerous platforms and they couldn’t get the rights to use Snapchat’s filters, so Laura worked with Bubba’s Chop Shop to produce new ones that are used in post production.

This to go along with her already launched Facebook Watch (she’s got a second Facebook Watch show in the works, but not sure if it’s animated) animated series Help Helen Smash (Helen will also be a bit player in the aforementioned Comedy Central series) that she is currently looking to get financial backing for a full-length animated adaptation for Netflix, a streaming service that is slowly dominating in the adult animated circuit with numerous comedies, anime, and more on the way.

Our Take

We need WAY more women and minority representation in adult animation, so I’m looking forward to what Laura’s gonna bring to the table. She’s an internet juggernaut that’s funny as hell and is married to a dude that has produced music with the best of the best in the industry. This duo could be one to watch over the next year or so.
