Could FOX be gearing up for TWO nights of Animation Domination?


In case if you haven’t heard, Family Guy has been airing on Tuesday Nights on FOX @ 8pm ET/PT as of late leading into a bunch of other re-runs of Brooklyn 99, New Girl, and whatever else the network is trying to force-feed guys to enjoy. In any case, I kind of came up with a theory…could FOX go back to TWO nights with Animation Domination-esque lineups?

By that I mean, come this Fall, Kevin Reilly really wanted to emphasize a ‘guys night’ of comedy, taking Brooklyn 99 away from the Mindy Project/New Girl block, and teaming it with Simpsons, Family Guy, and a new live-action series called Mulaney. My theory is…could FOX put up some animated comedies on a Tuesday Night that is maybe more geared towards women?

Imagine a lineup for FOX on Tuesday Nights featuring the New Girl/Mindy block at 9 pm, with say Zooey’s own Queen of Everuthing as a lead-in? Look, I know what you’re thinking. ”But John, what about FOX’s new reality series Utopia?” Well, Tommy, I think that show lasts three or four weeks before it’s canceled because it more or less looks like Survivor but with way more crazy people. I think a Queen of Everything lead-in would be a great idea, and more over, produce a similar effect to what Brickleberry gets on Tuesday Nights with Tosh.0 in that an established star can appear on an hour of television, different formats, with awesome success.

With that in mind, that still leaves another 30 minutes wide-open that needs to be filling. I think the 8pm ET slot would be ideal for the Seth MacFarlane-Alex Borstein series that has long been in development at FOX. Think about it, if Family Guy is good enough to kick off Tuesday Nights with, why not a Seth-produced animated series with a female-lead character?

This wouldn’t be the first time that FOX has put animated TV on during the week days. The Critic, Greg the Bunny, and a handful of others have had weeknight premiers so debuting animated comedies on a weeknight wouldn’t be the strangest thing in the world. Your thoughts?