English Dub Review: Seven Mortal Sins “Unleashed Wrath”

Feel the Wrath of panty shot filled action scenes.

Seven Mortal Sins usually has quite the formulaic episodic setup. Lucifer challenges a sin, they whoop her ass hard, she complains about her pride, Levi gets jealous, Maria gets assaulted in some fashion and then Lucifer wins the day. For a grand majority of the episodes that is the way events played out and it works for what it wants to accomplish. That being barely intelligent fan service. But with Wrath, we got a different focus that lays out all of these plot points each episode entails and gets them out of the way right away so that they can get to the fight scenes.

Truth be told though I prefer it if they framed events more like the other episodes as the fight choreography in this episode was rather dull. Not helped by the lack of impact and weight felt in the music. It creates a very dull atmosphere around the sin Wrath who ironically should be the most emotional out of all the sins. The glossed over the story is simple, Vanity tells Wrath that Lucifer has got Gluttony as her new girl toy, Wrath gets jealous and proceeds to challenge her to their duel. That is not before Levi can have a turn and get immediately trounced by Wrath. Just that sentence though on Levi pretty much summarizes my feelings towards the episode. While the last episode showcased everything that makes Seven Mortal Sins funny, sexy and stupid to its benefit, Unleashed Wrath is at its core story build up for next episode.

Seven Mortal Sins is terrible at that. They frame it in such a dull way that it’s just not worth it to listen and be engaged by it. Important plotlines are reaching its peak and I could not care less because the show’s tone and context don’t allow for it to be taken that seriously. When you have Levi after being defeated just floating unconscious at the bottom of the ocean with her boobs showing, you know you aren’t a serious drama. Plus the whole moronic plot thread of Maria completely indebted to Lucifer and trying to weigh her options on which DEMON to trust, it reminds me how she was utterly roped into this crap journey and has done really nothing of substance for a majority.

I really don’t want to be mean to this episode as it definitely isn’t as bad as the pilot episode in terms of writing and pacing. But at episode 8 and after showing a great sense of comedic timing and emotion in the previous episode, it’s disappointing to see episode 9 go back to old habits. Not even the fight scenes are that engaging, mostly I feel confused with how some of the motions flows from one scene to the next which is a typical and very annoying error to see happen multiple times. In the end, it is an inoffensive episode that does not engage or push away. This is the sort of episode the term… meh… was made for.

