English Dub Review: Masamune-kun’s Revenge “It’s Not You”

Oh, ouch! Right in the feels. Call me a medic!

Spoilers Below

Masamune has scored a big victory with Aki. He’s feeling trim, and high on a cloud. Despite being nervous when she calls him up, it’s looking like clear sailing now. Apparently, he had left some things back at the island, and Aki has to return them personally to keep up the ruse with her father’s secretary. He goes into his desk for his homework to find…  that the photo is missing. The picture of him and Aki as children (with a mysterious third face in that back window) has been stolen. And who would want that? Neko Fujinomya, the cunning cat, that’s who. But why? What is her devious scheme? The thought of Neko taints his head all day long. He even gets Aki mad by spacing out. He has to get that picture back, but the only way to do so is to get over to her house. Fortunately, she calls to confirm group plans to get together for the water park, and he uses this opportunity to get an invite.

Once at Neko’s, he has to think fast. He didn’t have a good reason to come over, but she doesn’t seem to have an objection to it either. He uses the oldest trick in the book, asking for the restroom and using the opportunity to scout around for the photo. Inside her room (a momentous occasion in a young man’s life), he finds not just bottle upon bottle of vitamins and other pills, but stacks of manga. Manga that he reads. She reads them too?

Courtesy: Funimation

Busted. Neko leans in behind him and asks if he got lost. He admits he just got curious, and lost control of himself. She admits to having been in his room, and seeing some of the manga, asked her valet to get the whole series. She’s been reading it ever since. So, she doesn’t even try to disguise that she was in his room! Not like he has much moral high-ground, having snuck into the darkened bedroom himself. So instead, he asks about the picture. Out from her bra, she produces the photo. She says that she saw him as a kid, and it was so cute, she just had to take it. Him? Cute? He was a butterball!

“The outward appearance is only part of the true person.” She says words that cut deep, right down to his core. Words that, had he heard them as a child, he would have had a very different life. This beautiful, sexy girl is right there, telling him that he- at the worst part of his life, where he felt the most unlovable- was lovely to her. She presses in, sensing her words have had deep meaning for him and kisses him. All at once, his world comes unraveled. Aki’s rejection of him would be meaningless if only he would accept Neko’s advances. He could have the love of a beautiful, kind-hearted, deviously-cunning girl, and all the self-respect he ever wanted. She tells him that her valet is gone for the day, serving at the main house. The two would be all alone and could do as they pleased. But, he still doesn’t trust her.  Just like the boys who professed to be his friend to get handouts from him, he suspects that she is just using him for her own ends. He rejects her and says that he will choose Aki, and that will be his revenge.

But, the whole thing, beginning to end, has cut away all the layers of cool and muscle. His agonized heart is laid bare, and he is queasy. Not just from his own pain, but from the guilt of turning away Neko’s affection. The next day, he joins his friends (and Aki) at the water park, but his heart hurts too much to enjoy himself. Aki notices and grows frustrated that he seems to be ignoring her again. She doesn’t like it when he ignores her. As they are about to leave, a familiar sports car with a similarly familiar crazy driver pulls up. Neko’s valet demands answers. Neko is missing, and didn’t take her anti-seizure medicine with her!

Masamune’s head reels as things click into place. Neko’s bajillion vitamins and pills weren’t just because she’s a health nut, she’s desperately sick. But, rather than take pity, she created a devious and cunning persona. Thus, whenever she took ill, people would think it was all an act. While it seemed to him like she was using him… Her feelings could have been real. But that leaves one other question from the Valet: Why was Masamune alone with her at the house? What did he do to her that would make her run away like that? He decides that this was time for the truth. He rejected her. He told her he was choosing Aki. This has an effect on the Ice Princess, but that isn’t what’s important. Fujinomiya is out there alone, sick, and in terrible danger!

Courtesy: Funimation

So, let me lead off by saying… Whoah. There is a point where I identify with Masamune a bit. I grew up a butterball, and as such, I’ve had some pretty nasty self-esteem issues. Still do. The words Neko used with him cut me the same as it did him, and her warm acceptance and admiration yanked on my heartstrings, too. This encounter with her left him deeply conflicted and made him feel much deeper as a character than first impressions. This also made Neko’s situation at the end all the more poignant. She may not be who Masamune wants, but neither he nor I would be able to accept it if anything bad happens to her as a result of his rejection. Crap. A romantic-comedy anime has me hooked. I’m done for. Time to wrap up the review and turn in the man card. Animation, very good. They took pains on Neko’s every move, every touch and pose. She stole the whole episode. Voice acting? Curse you, Josh Grelle. You have done very well with Masa this episode. Curse you. In fact, I give this whole episode nine “curse you’s” out of ten. Now, where’s my cat? I need to hug something.
