English Dub Review: Dragon Ball Super “Goku Shows Up! A Last Chance from Lord Beerus!?”

Earth’s Fate will be decided in a game of “Rock Paper Scissors”.

Spoilers Below

Episode 8 picks up immediately after the Z fighters within Goku’s circle instantly getting the shit-kicked out of them by the purple cat god and the episode ended when Bulma during her birthday of all days, on the receiving end of a Beerus bitch-slap and Vegeta powers up in response to his unwarranted actions, then proceeds to unleash physical hell on his purple ass!

At this point, Vegeta has reached a power level that’s close to Goku yet it’s not Super Saiyan level 3 as he manages to last longer than the others. So far, this is the strongest he has even been. The first 5 mins has Vegeta going as far as to take the fight away from the boat which creates shockwaves around the ocean and fires beams with Beerus blocking his attacks with absolute ease before firing his signature “Galic Gun” blast while calling him a “Repugnant Bastard”.

After the smoke clears, Beerus wonders if this is what “Super Saiyan God’s” power is like and says it’s been a long time since he’s used 10% of his powers. Despite his valiant efforts, Vegeta still isn’t strong enough to leave a scratch on Beerus. Beerus then easily flicks Vegeta away. Beerus remains abit annoyed that the “Super Saiyan God” from his visions never appeared and threatens to instantly Destroy the Earth but is a bit conflicted since he loves Earth’s food so far with Bulma further pointing out that destroying the planet would just be a waste because the food he ate is only a small fraction compared to whatever foods planet earth as a whole has to offer.

So Beerus allows the Earth to survive one more time if Oolong of all people can beat him in a game of rock, paper, and scissors. Why Oolong? because Beerus simple-mindedly thinks him and Buu are the same species due to the both of them having pink skin despite Oolong being an Anthropomorphic Pig person and Buu being whatever the fuck the “Majin” species is.

And this is where the episode begins to stumble a bit as they go into familiar territory. For people who haven’t already seen “Battle of Gods” In that film, this exact scene was mildly funny because Beerus instantly beat Oolong on the first go. Not to mention that whole damn scene was done in just over two minutes. It was a short & simple comedic moment that worked because it didn’t overstay it’s welcome.

However, the rock, paper scissors match is dragged on for most of this episode. Beerus doesn’t even beat Oolong in the 1st round, And both characters keep drawing scissors and they had to try again, and after several minutes, their childish match finally ends when Oolong chooses scissors while Beerus finally draws out a rock.

Beerus then threatens to destroy the Earth with a giant pink ball of energy and just when everyone closely holds onto their loved ones to face their impending doom, Goku returns while screaming to Beerus “Stop Right There!” while he dramatically stands atop the cruise ship with his hair blowing against the wind dramatically before coming down, It’s a shame he didn’t do a “superhero landing”.

Goku asks Beerus for more time because he has an idea on how the Earth can be spared and Beerus can get what he wants without causing any further damage so he gives Goku a “Teeny little bit of time” the dub even made me chuckle when Goku even says “Super Saiyan Please?”

Goku tells Vegeta that he’s come to the conclusion that since Beerus can’t be reasoned with until he gets what he wants, He will use the Dragonballs to bring a “Super Saiyan God” to him and Vegeta becomes mildly annoyed that Goku could’ve been watching his fight with Beerus the whole time.

The episode ends in cliffhanger fashion when Goku asks Bulma to let him use the Dragonballs and Bulma gives him permission if it means saving their planet from the wrath of “Beerus the Destroyer God”.


Episode 8 continues to retell and slightly change events from “Battle of Gods” like the previous episodes have done. At first, I blindly expected the episode’s running time to be focused heavily on Vegeta vs Beerus because the start of the fight was an awesomely cathartic moment but it ended so damn quickly.

The suspenseful scenes of were thankfully balanced with some comedic moments once more. From the Pilaf gang escaping Bulma’s ship out of safety away from the Danger of Beerus, to Whis at the food stands enjoying the culinary delights of Japan.

Like the past episodes of DBZ, It felt like a waiting game for Goku because he should’ve arrived earlier to immediately get shit done. But thankfully I predict everything will actually pick up next episode with Goku using the Dragonballs to find out whatever the fuck a “Super Saiyan God” is.
