English Dub Review: Brave Witches “Shining with Light…”

Brave Witches scored a reasonable episode in “We Won’t Know Until We Try.” At the culmination of the previous episode, Takami was unable to focus on the Neuroi core of Grigori. Hikari, listening to the radio, embarks on a mission to stop Takami and save her sister.

“Shining with Light…” finds the Brave Witches battling Grigori. Takami finds the core but gets shot down. Unfortunately, Grigori regenerates its shield, therefore protecting itself from the final AP rounds. Just when the military considers a retreat, Hikari shows up. Thankfully, Takami is alive.

With Hikari’s arrival comes a renewed vigor. The witches find an AP round core and using their collective power and cunning, Naoe and Hikari sneak into Grigori and hit the core. After the skirmish, Hikari is officially inducted into the Brave Witches.

The Brave Witches season 1 finale is pretty enjoyable. Hikari returns and saves the day. Takami and Hikari finally gain the opportunity to collaborate. Unfortunately, it’s incredibly predictable. You know exactly where Brave Witches is headed from the onset. Compare that to KADO: The Right Answer and My Hero Academia which ushered in massive twists.

But Brave Witches is a show that values the journey rather than the destination. While the formula remains clear, it’s a series that relies on the interpersonal relationships. Overall, “Shining with Light…” is a fitting season finale.
