Comics Review: Steven Universe #14

Is this issue “Ready To Rock”?

Overview (Possible Spoilers Below)

Greg is doing his usual Car Washing Job, only for Steven to come across a box of Greg’s old copies of CD’s from his younger band years. When Steven questions them, he explains what they are which gets the attention of Jenny to the point that he even gives her one as a freebie after washing her car. Steven recognizes that part of him misses the simpler times of his band years and performing live concerts. Steven in response to this, decides to set up a stage with the help of the Gems despite them being preoccupied with hunting down a “Corrupt Gem” monster and later makes flyers in secret with the cool kids Buck, Jenny and Sour Cream helping him spread the word which of said concert which takes a bulk of the book’s pages.

Upon waking up, Steven realizes a major mishap he made as it turns out that he set up the wrong date on the flyers, and while having the cool Kids quickly fix them, He drags his father to the meeting spot only to discover the destroyed aftermath, as the Stage was destroyed due to the Corrupt Gem they had to defeat. Although Greg is flattered by the gesture, he’s more happy & content where he is, and being the quick thinker, Greg decides to make the best of a bad situation by turning what’s left of the destroyed stage into a Bonfire party. And so the comic ends on a comedic note when you find out that not everyone got the updated memo on the event.

Our Take

Like the past issues I’ve covered, we’re once again graced with the joint efforts of writer Grace Kraft and recurring artist Rii Abrego. The art & coloring remain consistently solid and close to the cartoon it’s based on.

At first, I thought this would be a flashback story into Greg’s past. While that wasn’t the case, the story was still entertaining & passable enough to work as a “lost episode” of sorts as this one could’ve taken place around Season 4 since many characters would later go through some dramatic changes later in season 5.
