Bongo Comic Reviews: Simpsons Comics #182 and Treehouse of Horror: Vol 6

As promised after the jump I have reviews for two Bongo Comics releases last week, both for the Simpsons. For the first review we take a look at Simpson’s #182 where we see Marge come up with a cleaning concoction to distribute to mass market and Bart grows a conscience…Ralph. Also, we have Simpsons Tree House of Horror Vol. 6 which is a compilation of different spooky stories featuring your favorite cast of characters! So, lets do this…


Simpsons comics #182

So this week’s issue introduces Skinner at the whim of his mother’s jokes(but apparently he deserves it). As such Bart gets a new conscience, someone to tell him what’s right and wrong(yes, this is the same Ralph that picks his nose).  Meanwhile, Marge and Homer are at dinner celebrating some sort of anniversary, when Homer becomes a victim of Luigi’s trip/fall/spill where he gets Italian food stains all over him. On the spot, Marge puts together a home grown recipe of random items to create a concoction called “Spot Away”. Of course always around(except when I need one) is an agent who offers to put Marge on TV to help sell her product.

Overall, I thought the both stories were cute and was pleasantly surprised by the ending that kind of intertwined their respected paths.  Nicely done…

The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror: From Beyond the Grove


Come As You Aren’t/Gnaws: Nice story, and quite a few laughs. Pretty awesome with the random gags of Simpsons’ yesteryear (i.e. The Be Sharps). Loved the “Great White” reference.

Hair Piece: meh

Blood Curse of the Evil Fairies: Ever see The Simpsons writers trip out on acid? Here it is. Ugh

They Draw: Great Read! So it’s like A Ha’s “Take on Me” video mixed with the Matrix. Basically, Lenny gets a pair of glasses that can see black and white stencils of his world

Homer’s Ark: Ever see Evan Almighty? Think that…

Otto-Mat: Gotta love Otto.

Prop, Prop, Whiz, Whiz:  FUCKING AWESOME! Homer becomes Vader and Bart is Bruce Campbell! Need I say more?

Halloween Hoodoo: Everyone at school dresses up in some real great costumes. Nice story, and quite a few laughs.

Shadow Box: meh

Willie: Portrait of a Groundskeeper:: Big shout out to Eric Powell here. The best drawn one of the bunch.

Something Wiggum This Way Comes: Starts out mean, I am happy with the way it ends.

The Pygmy Elixir: Another well-drawn effort and a great closing to a great collection.

Overall, great collection of stories with only a few bumps.
