BUBBLE CAN Review: Knuckleheads “The Midland Moles”

Knuckleheads is becoming quite a hit on Adult Swim Canada. Bringing a unique animation style along with unique comedic sensibilities, it truly feels like something new has been brought to the table. Working as an anthology in an interconnected universe, we get the opportunity to have new stories every week, and we don’t necessarily have to say bye to the characters that we’ve grown to like. They’re likely to show up again in a future episode. So how was last night’s episode of Knuckleheads? Read on to find out!

In Midland Moles “Turner’s brothers are in jail and he needs to throw the hockey finals to get them out.

Being a Canadian show, this is actually the first episode that really felt Canadian. Hockey, the accents, it was all there. This episode sort of reminded me of the pilot. It was like a mini-crime drama mixed a sports story. There were some interesting surprises along the way and they did a great job building suspense. We’re introduced to some new characters in this episode, my personal favorite is a Russian hockey player named “Kutchadikov”. I thought that was pretty clever.

As far as shortcomings go, I think the episode focused too heavily on Turner. Understandably, he’s the main character in this episode, but I’ve always thought that the show has worked better as an ensemble. A bunch of different characters each bringing a distinct flavor to the story.

Overall, this was an alright episode. Not my favorite of the season thus far, but an excellent addition to the show nonetheless.