BUBBLE CAN Review: Fugget About It “Nonna You Business”

“Fugget About It” continues to truck along in it’s third season. We’ve now reached the thirteenth episode and for the first time, it isn’t the season finale! Still plenty of Fugget About It to come, so it appears the hiatus was worth it. I can’t say that this third season has been my favorite of the show thus far, but I’ve certainly had a lot of fun. So how was this new episode? Read on to find out!

In “Nonna You Business” Jimmy’s great-grandmother is ill and McCool arranges for her to visit Regina, except she thinks Jimmy and the family still live in New York.

This was a good episode, overall. It managed to combine a bunch of different elements to create something unique. We met some interesting characters from Jimmy’s past and we also saw some of the Canadian characters pushed into the spotlight and assist the story. This is another episode that flirts with the idea of Jimmy and the family being found out. The show never fails to remember it’s own premise, but it’s sort of an exhausted shtick. A part of me wonders if eventually having them discovered would open the door to new stories. Could it create a new interesting dynamic for the show?

There is a subplot in the episode between Petey and his cousin from the Old Country. They form a romantic connection, which is weird, and that’s really where the comedy of it ends. Having romantic feelings for your cousin is messed up, it gets pointed out to Petey multiple times, that’s really it.

Overall, despite some shortcomings, this is still an enjoyable episode. Nonna proved to be a fun and interesting character, Cheech and McCool both had a lot of great moments in this episode. Seeing McCool dress up as a Mafia member was just hilarious, along with his struggle to hold back his Canadian-isms. Petey’s story was sort of a throwaway, it was strange, didn’t support the overall story and lived and died with one gag. The rest of it was pretty great though. Great interactions between the characters as always, the suspense that they may finally be discovered, really all of the makings for a good episode of Fugget About It.