Comics Review: Bravest Warriors #5



Spoilers Below


The Warriors go undercover to try and get some information at a beauty pageant going around. Looks like someone is going all zombie and is stealing brains, but when it looks as though we will be having a strong suspect he gets knifed down in cold blood! And who the culprit is will leave you wondering…

Cute Calamity

Wallow has to make sure that he really trusts his friends after acts that might be deemed weird by some. Thankfully, there is a good explanation for this…Chris swears!

Not bad, and I’m already more interested in this story arc than I was with the previous one. Dialog is much improved, as the writers are starting to settle down a bit and just pace themselves with jokes versus jamming a bunch of lame ones down ur throat. The REAL news is the Regular Show comics ad on the back!

thumbs up


(8.0 out of 10)