SpongeBob SquarePants Makes An Appearance on Saudi Arabian Boy’s X-Ray

spongebob x-ray

Whoooo lives in the esophagus of a 16-month-old boy?


Though he’s used to residing in an underwater pineapple, doctors at King Abdulaziz University Hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia were stunned when SpongeBob SquarePants appeared in a 16-month-old’s chest and throat X-ray.

The boy was initially hospitalized after accidentally swallowing an unknown object. The incident likely occurred because babies will basically eat anything.

What was surprising, however, was the detail displayed on the scan. “I was amazed by the visible details, you can see [Spongebob’s] freckles, shoes, and fingers,” radiology resident Dr Ghofran Ageely told LiveScience. One can even see that SpongeBob is defiantly sticking his tongue out.

The object was later determined to be a pendant of the popular cartoon character, which was owned by the boy’s older sister.

SpongeBob was eventually evicted from his new home, and the boy has since made a full recovery.

[via LiveScience]