W2W2nite 7/6/20: TBS ; Youtube


American Dad “Salute Your Sllort”

Premieres Tonight @ 10 pm ET/PT on TBS, check your local listings.

Steve’s efforts to befriend a Swedish exchange student backfire in a big way; the family calls in an animal behaviorist to deal with Klaus.


With Cyberpunk 2077 being delayed over and over again, no wonder Keanu Reeves is so sad!! Find out what he thinks of the classic 2010 meme in today’s feature: Sad Keanu.

Garbage Musicals, from LA entertainers The Tin Can Brothers, media brand Wisecrack, and gaming channel ArcadeCloud, is proud to present animated show stoppers from pop culture musicals that never were.

Watch the new episode here: Sad Keanu Ballad