W2W2nite 4/18/15: Adult Swim

Adult Swim

Sword Art Online II ”GGO”


Kikuoka has recruited irito to investigate GGO, and so he logs in. To lure Death Gun into targeting him, he hopes to enter Bullet of Bullets (BoB), a tournament to decide the most powerful gunman in GGO. Sword Art Online !! is all-new @ 1 am ET/PT, check your local listings and get a clip here.



One Piece ”Hunter Sanji Appears? Elegy to the Lying Wolf”


Kikuoka has recruited irito to investigate GGO, and so he logs in. To lure Death Gun into targeting him, he hopes to enter Bullet of Bullets (BoB), a tournament to decide the most powerful gunman in GGO.  One Piece is all-new tonight @ 2:30 am ET/PT, check your local listings. Get video here.