Shorts Review: Morty Kombat Season Premiere


Spoilers Below

Episode One. FIGHT!

For lack of a better lead, I decided to reference the most commonly heard term from my childhood, circa 1992. Yet it’s appropriate enough for introducing Happy Hour’s newest series, Morty Kombat.

Morty is a meek office worker (something to do with finances, judging by the play-on-word posters in his cubicle; “The name’s Bond. Municipal Bond,” “Loan Wolf” and “goodbye accrual world [sic].” Morty is in such a hurry to meet his boss’ demands, he hits the “outworld” button while nuking his ramen noodles, and the outworld setting sucks him into a wormhole and teleports him to the MK dimension. The soul-swallowing Shang Tsung is upset at Morty for interrupting a fight, he pits the outlander against the four-armed Goro. One can only correctly assume the outcome.

The interesting thing about the animation style is that the original eight-megabyte characters and stages are used, and Morty and his world were created with similar graphics. The writing is simple, but amusing (there is a clever joke on journalist Jeremy Clarkson), and the voice work is far from profound, but it works well.

Is Morty Kombat flawless? Far from it, but it is a victory. So stick around for round two.
