Review: TripTank “Sick Day”

Don’t call out sick for this review.

Spoilers Below

Press Conference

A mayor in disgrace holds a press conference during an apocalyptic insect attack. We come to find out that the mayor may have fucked a hair stylist thereby cheating on his wife.



Ninja Assassin

A ninja assassin makes a lot of noise during a job. He takes out a local mob in bloody fashion no matter if the lights out are not. 



Animal Hitman

A hit is put out on a fly, but Animal Hitman has some struggles with his pistol and opts for the fly swatter instead. 


Other Sketches

Why Not Porn?, Suck It Gary, TripTank Reception, Amber Twinklez, Mexican 911, Iceberg Huge

Best Sketch

Iceberg Huge

Worst Sketch

Why Not Porn?