Review: The Summoner “Art Gallery” ; “Blood Drive”




In this week’s shorts, we continue to learn a few new things about The Summoner. For starters, he likes to eat…anything. This includes various art pieces at a gallery that Rory visits in an attempt to impress Shannon. In fact, this is almost the exact same set up as “Blood Drive” where instead of an art gallery, Rory heads to a blood drive. In both instances, Rory lies his ass off in an attempt to impress Shannon only to find out that if he were just himself and play it cool he could probably score a bit more.

Unfortunately, The Summoner seems to take a bit of a back seat in both of these shorts. In the prior week, we saw The Summoner summon things that potentially produce a welcome outcome. This week? Not so much. That said, that doesn’t mean we didn’t get some funny moments because both episodes offered numerous chuckles, especially with just how random Summoner’s inspired summons get. The heart really is in Rory attempting to woo Shannon, it’s a fun cat and mouse game. How things will play out in future episodes as it pertains to the balance of Rory/Shannon and The Summoner will be the true test of the series. If the series were longer, we probably wouldn’t be having this discussion, but, here we are.