Review: The Cleveland Show ‘Brownsized’


Spoilers Below

Cleveland gets offered a 6 month severance package from work of which he happily takes, but he decides to not tell Donna because he wants no part of house chores, so he just plays it off as getting fired. However, it isn’t long before Cleveland blows through all his cash and still finds himself unemployed. That said, it wasn’t like he watched his money carefully, either. Rather, Cleveland would often lavish with his friends and do somewhat expensive things like eating at a fancy restaurant that Donna works at. YEP! Cleveland gets caught! But, to try and get out of getting yelled at, Cleveland tells Donna that he wants to jump out of a high rise as a result of being a failure.

Roberta dumps Fed but not long after meets a new guy working at the grocery store named Devon. At first he sounds great as he helps out dying South African kids, however we learn that he has this sort of strict-Christian attitude where he feels he needs to be the adult example to Jr. and Rallo by sending them to bed early and banning TV not suitable for kids. Eventually, the restrictions become so bad that the brothers decide to get Fed back. There’s just one problem….Fed now goes by his given name Gabrielle and as such seems to have dropped his Eminem-esque gimmick. No worries though, because Rallo and Jr., convince him to go old school and doing just that gets him back with Roberta faster than you can say tongue kiss.

Thankfully, Cleveland comes down even after Donna finds out about his bullshit, but after she knocks him off the building, Cleveland was able to get his job back and sue Donna for everything she has.

In what was certainly the better of the two episodes, Brownsized’s plot seemed a tad dated with its 99% talk, but the morale of the story is more contemporary now than maybe ever…we are all sue happy. The story that I thought was infinitely funnier was with Fed transforming into his normal self. Donna’s attitude was pretty on point too, but at the end of the day this was an episode we’ve seen before. Cleveland lies about something, Donna finds out and gets mad, and so on and so forth.

(6.0 out of 10)