Review: Steven Universe “The Question”

Emotional Fireworks Fly and Cartoon History is made in the newest episode!

Overview (Possible Spoilers Below)

As Steven & Amethyst journey to the mountains in an effort to get both Ruby and Sapphire to reconnect, They discover that Greg heard about the big reveal in regards to Rose’s past and is shockingly more calm about it since the last name “Universe” wasn’t his original name, to begin with. So to him, it kinda evened out on his end. Ruby becomes inspired by a wild-west comic and decides to have some time to herself living the Cowboy lifestyle to help clear her head and Greg begins to play a major role in helping Ruby get the proper breathing room she needs thanks to his fortune.

Much of the episode is devoted to Ruby having fun with the unpredictable nature of the open range complete with a musical montage of a slow-paced country song called “Ruby Rider” where she talks about enjoying time by herself, complete with Amethyst shape-shifting into a Horse. But it isn’t until much later on when Ruby does express that part of her really does miss Sapphire and can’t seem to shake her out of her mind. And despite experiencing this momentary joy of solitude, she isn’t sure if Sapphire would ever want her back, but expresses her desire to change their relationship dynamic to where they want to be together because she wants to and not because of Rose/Pink’s words during the events of “The Answer”.

As Steven carefully reads this particular western comic, he quickly finds a solution within a specific page to Ruby. And when we cut back to Steven’s place, Ruby confronts Sapphire about her previous behavior and asks a life-changing question that’s easy for the audience to see coming a mile away. But the episode ends with Sapphire giving her an answer that will redefine their relationship.

Our Take

While the episode “Now we’re only falling apart” delved into what was going on in Sapphire’s mind, this episode succeeded in helping us to get know Ruby’s side of things. As a fusion of the two, understanding them is equally just as important to understanding Garnet. Aside from the ending making cartoon history with unapologetic aplomb, This episode emphasizes that sometimes we all need time away from people to connect with ourselves to re-evaluate our place in the world.

I’m also kinda shocked that Greg doesn’t feel betrayed by the big reveal of Rose’s big secret, And as an understanding Dad, Greg even calls Steven out on his and everyone’s emotional dependence on Garnet. Because at the end of the day, You can’t force a couple to stay together. It all hinges on their mutual love and how much effort they’re willing to make to cement that bond.

The Animation, and music were top-notch as expected from Rebecca Sugar’s Team, and it seems appropriate that they’d release it on the 4th of July to start this life-changing event with a proverbial bang!
