Review: Steven Universe “Now We’re Only Falling Apart”

Fan-Theories debunked and secrets revealed in the newest episode!

Overview (Possible Spoilers Below)

In response to the big life-changing reveal from the previous episode, The Gems within Steven’s circle are understandably shocked by the revelation, that through a series of elaborate and conspiratorial events, Rose Quartz (Steven’s Mother) and Pink Diamond (Who’s death became the Impetus for the long talked about “Gem War”) are the same person.  In response to this reveal, Garnet literally splits in two and Sapphire is less than thrilled as she feels both infuriated & betrayed by this reveal, and straight up teleports away leaving much to the heartbroken Ruby. This in turn, causes Steven & Pearl to actively pursue her so they can talk things out.

After finding Sapphire again, Pearl fills another gap in her & Pink Diamond’s backstory since Steven revealing the big secret out loud has broken the strange spell that kept Pearl from talking about it for so long, and we get into a well-written Flashback that during a series of events, Pink Diamond sneaks on Earth with Pearl and they both grow sympathetic towards the life & splendor of Earth along with its inhabitants. And despite the later pleas to her Superiors Blue & Yellow Diamond to spare Earth, her words fell to deaf ears as she was often bullied & belittled by the two regularly.

Although this hardened Pink’s resolve to save Earth, it wasn’t until the events of the Iconic episode “The Answer” (Garnets origin story) where after meeting Garnet for the first time, Pink/Rose decided to start a revolution and rebel against Blue & Yellow Diamond in an effort to keep Earth away from their Brutal grip while under her Rose Quartz disguise, which leads to how the “Great Gem War” started in the first place. While Sapphire takes comfort in this story knowing that her Garnet fusion with Ruby became the turning point for Rose’s fight for the freedom & individuality of Gems as a whole, the episode ends on a cliffhanger when they all return, but the house now empty and a note left is left behind for Sapphire.

Our Take

Judging from the random footage within the trailers of its promotional material, we’re about to see some major changes within this new wave of episodes. The Flashback sequence does an excellent job in fleshing out Rose/Pink Diamond’s Journey and the events in her life that shaped her to become the Gem Rebellion leader after past episodes kept this mystery built up for so long.

The fact they’re the same person not only debunks various fan-theories across the Internet, but it helps make Rose/Pink a fully realized character who not only wanted to find happiness, but also wanted to break the brutal conformity of Gem World so other Gems could also find their happiness as well.

This now leaves the audience to wonder how Steven now feels about being Part Diamond as both the reveal and flashback has only scratched the surface in terms of character growth.

I have no idea what will happen next, and that’s a good thing.
