Review: Star Wars Resistance “Dangerous Business”

Bitey joins the Resistance!

Overview (Spoilers Below):

When Flix and Orka schedule a romantic night out, they ask Kaz to watch the shop for them. This is, obviously, just asking for trouble. While they’re gone, Kaz gets fleeced by a shady customer who turns out to be in league with the First Order. Kaz goes to great lengths to get the stolen merchandise back, but ends up just crashing their entire ship, losing the goods and nearly losing the hero of this episode: Bitey!

Our Take:

Okay, just gotta get this off my chest: why would anyone ask Kaz to handle literally anything? Yeah, yeah, he’s becoming a capable spy and his mechanical skills are improving, but he can’t change the fact that he’s a walking disaster magnet! Flix (or maybe Orka) gives Kaz this one golden rule for watching the shop: “When in doubt, take their money.” I watched Kaz’s interactions with the customers very carefully, and after he hands over the parts they request, he DOES NOT take anything in exchange. He doesn’t even ask for payment! Maybe they prepaid? Maybe this is a very subtle joke by the show’s crew? Either way, I noticed it and found it hilarious.

Something this episode highlighted that Resistance is doing very well with as a show is connecting each episode into a larger picture, even when it doesn’t play a major plot role overall. Many people online complain of shows that have ‘filler’ episodes; the kind of episode where nothing happens and the plot doesn’t change or gain momentum. While I am not that kind of viewer (every show needs time to breath), Resistance has done and continues to do a remarkable job in making each episode seem like it’s connected with the ones before it. Even in a one-off episode like this, Kaz still runs into someone who’s working for the First Order, and learns more about what they plan to do… and it involves a phase connector.

This episode stranded Kaz by himself for much of its runtime, and yet still managed to get some good jokes in without Niku or Yaeger or Tam to be the straight men. A lot of that is due to Bitey. While I was worried they would wear out their welcome, the little creature only gets more awesome as the episode goes on, eventually nearly sacrificing themselves for the Resistance. Kaz’s solemn speech about this is comedy gold, as is the way he carries Bitey around by offering his tasty fingers. I hope Bitey remains a part of the show in the future for sure.

The opening shot of Dangerous Business reminded me of just how beautifully designed and animated Resistance has become. A single bird flying over the waves as the sun gently rises above it. Resistance leaned into cel-shaded CGI hard, and it’s paying off. While it will probably depend on your personal preferences, I think Resistance is the most stylish Star Wars show in a while.

Dangerous Business is a fine episode of Star Wars Resistance. It certainly isn’t one of the flashier affairs, and its plot is fairly by-the-book. It does contain some solid laughs, though, especially where Bitey is concerned. And it paints a little more of the picture that is the First Order’s plans for the Colossus. The First Order may have lost their phase connector to Kaz and Bitey, but they won’t give up quite that easily – they’ll be back soon, and in greater numbers.

Score: 7.5/10