Review: Sanjay and Craig “Partybot Returns”

Spoilers Below

Vijay brings back Partybot reprogrammed and glitch-free in a new incarnation called “Arty Bot” fora competition, but nobody gives a shit at the expo. Sanjay and Craig decide to jump in and help out by showing off the cool features of ‘Arty Bot’ but just as things are getting good for the robot’s popularity, the guys break the damn thing. Fortunately, Sanjay and Craig are able to get thing back to a respectable state, but Tufflips shows up with a brutal entry that causes Vijay to freak out and reprogram the bot back to its Partybot ways. The Partybot destroys the build and allows Vijay to bring home the famed ‘Golden Circuit’ award.

Our Take

Who would have thought that Vijay could go from a Steve Jobs parody to a mad scientist in a blink of an eye? In any case, the results were hysterical especially with Craig trapped in Partybot’s body. The bot was out of control, and although I would’ve like to have seen a bit more destruction, Sanjay and Craig became the most fun show of the Friday Night lineup.