Review: Sanjay and Craig “And Justice for Durdle”


Spoilers Below

Noodman wants to sue Farmer Larry for owning a Blueberry farm that produces food by way of dog. A trial commences, and Noodman makes his case to the judge whom is just about ready to throw the book at Larry right up until the farmer’s attorneys, aka Sanjay and Craig, make their arguments against Noodman’s own Blueberry jam producing practices which involves a cat bathing in the fruit juices! The judge throws the case out and Larry gets to keep his farm and his dogs.

Our Take

Loved the whole Law & Order theme to kick things off, but what I really enjoyed the most about Sanjay and Craig is just marvel at just how fucking weird this show has gotten in its third season. The show used to be somewhat deflated, and now it feels right at home with a block that features Pig Goat Banana Cricket. Probably the best show I’ve watched all week.