Review: Red vs Blue “Schrödingin'”

The worst salesman ever.


Donut goes to retrieve Washington, who is caught between two conflicting timelines.

Our Take:

It’s a good thing that Washington gets his memory back, because not only is he someone that’s extremely trustworthy, but he’s also an extremely perceptive person. While Donut has his heart in a good place, he doesn’t have the team’s trust and most importantly, he doesn’t have strategic know-how. Washington is a little bewildered at the news of gods existing, but he takes it rather well, all things considering. For the most part, he understands that Chrovos is an enemy, and that an enemy has to be assessed and dealt with. While killing Chrovos is out of the question, there is still a way to stop her, namely making sure that she doesn’t get out of her prison.

Genkins may be causing havoc across the timelines, but Washington manages to rationalize that there is something far simpler in play here; how the paradox came into existence. The origin of all things was Washington’s injury, something that has since been fixed in terms of Washington regaining his identity, but not that the overall event didn’t happen. The Reds and Blues causing further paradoxes may be an unfortunate side-effect, but that isn’t the main issue. If what caused Chrovos to become relatively free was the paradox, then all they need to do is fix the original issue, of the Reds and Blues traveling back to stop Washington’s injury. If the original paradox never happens, then time should begin to fall into place and Chrovos’ prison should remain secure.

While Chrovos admits that Washington’s theory is correct, there still remains the problem: Genkins sucked the time machine into empty space, rendering it unusable. Without the time machine, the two of them can’t easily traverse time, especially not to undo the paradox. The way they are now, they are just as imprisoned as Chrovos is. They could wait until Genkins returns and take his time machine, but he would likely be ready for an ambush. An alternative would be to see if Washington himself has any hidden abilities. Being the key to the paradox itself, Washington could possibly have some influence over space-time in this iteration. Admittedly, this is just a guess, as there is no hard evidence to support this just yet. The likely occurrence would be to try to see if the original team manages to regain their memories normally, but the likelihood of that is pretty slim.