Review: Red vs Blue “Finally”

Step by step process on how to cross time and space.


The group all start to make plans to reset time to its rightful state.

Our Take:

There’s not much to talk about this episode, as it’s more something that covers all the bases. It could have easily been merged with the last one, to be completely honest, but I guess there’s something on the development side that prefers shorter episodes.

Donut is the one who first tries to explain time travel and how to fix the singularities, but his explanation is fairly complicated. It does make sense, but it is wordy, and the group tends to not work very well with long, complex explanations. It also doesn’t help that he’s trapped under a ship, so they don’t have the chance to interact with him face to face. The one who gives the easiest explanation is Caboose, who has already figured out the mechanics of time travel on his own. He describes it as a zipper; in order to close the zipper, you have to go to the end and pull it all the way back up. This is also a pretty fair way to conceptualize it, and the group gets it very quickly after that.

In order to solve the time cracks from this point on, the Reds and Blues have to hop through their lives and correct what’s wrong. In other words, by inhibiting their past selves and comparing their experiences with what’s currently happening, they’re able to right the timelines. Genkins did get a good head start, but the group starts to fix the problems, one by one. Or in Sarge’s case, over and over again, as one of the singularities came from him being unable to delete the Blues from the system.

Unlike Donut who can hop through time freely, Carolina and Washington don’t have that power; they’re stuck along their own time. The others are able to hop across parallel worlds, but Carolina and Washington are only able to operate from what they know. In other words, they’re both highly capable, and could probably fix a lot of the problems, but they’re restricted because of their own abilities. Perhaps it could be even stricter for Washington considering he’s the origin of the paradox,

Either way, the ball is now rolling. Some of the timelines are easier to solve, and as we’ll be sure to see the next episode, some are trickier.