Review: Red vs Blue “A Time For Hammers”

Which is which?


The gods tell their side of the story.

Our Take:

It turns out the Cosmic Powers aren’t exactly gods- not in the traditional sense. They are all-powerful but in a way that fits the Red vs Blue universe more. (Yes, as Cores) Having the concept of divinity shoved into Red vs Blue seemed a little bit off, so the fact that they are AI programmed by an all-powerful machine makes much more sense. They still fit the divine, omniscient category, but it’s much more fitting. They still keep their more human appearances but they are AI created by Chrovos, and prefer to be regarded as gods instead of something more technological. Aside from that, their origin story is near identical to the Greek Pantheon, with the universe being shaped by Cronus, the war against the Titans, and King Atlas being a stand-in for Zeus, swan tendencies and all. Like in the Homeric stories, Cronos is overthrown by the Pantheon and sealed in Tartarus with the rest of the Titans.

The only thing is this time, Chrovos is plotting to get out. Since he has an apt manipulation over space-time, he was able to pull Donut into the past to where he was at full power and convince him to go to his side. In gifting the main team time machines, they were able to mess with space and time, and therefore cause it to begin to unravel. With it being unstable, then Chrovos has the chance to break out of his prison and return to full power.

Considering what we know now, it’s hard to tell what’s the truth. While it’s clear that the Cosmic Powers were attacking the main team because they believed them to be agents of Chrovos, but the main team is also the only thing that can stop the Cosmic Powers. We don’t know Chrovos’ side, and the only appearance he’s made has been too cryptic to tell.

Washington has been ready to rejoin the team, and go on an adventure again. He’s excited to be back with the people he cares about and is willing to go on a dangerous quest- until Carolina objects. In a panic, she explains to him what happened, that he’s still suffering from brain damage, and it’s too dangerous for him to go. Washington feels betrayed, because not only can he not go on the mission, but he had no idea his health was in danger as well. Most importantly, Carolina never told him until a critical moment. Donut is also betrayed, seeing what the team thinks of him for good. The episode leaves off on a tumultuous moment, and it’s hard to tell what will come next.
