Review: NFL Rush Zone: Guardians Unleashed – “Anticorians Outplayed”


This week’s guests are Larry “Not Getting Any Younger” Fitzgerald of the Arizona Cardinals and Brent “The Only Eagle Worth Liking” Celek of the Philadelphia Eagles.

The Anticorians have a new plan and Marty is headed off to private school because it’s a family tradition. The anticorians need two more MegaCores to pull off their plan so they head to Arizona, probably because that Core doesn’t have much of a defense. The Guardians head to the stadium to protect the MegaCore but the Anticorians are able to make off with it and trap Ish in the process. He’s chained in the Core Room with a busted pipe flowing and the water is rising. The Guardians are able to break open the door and save Ish with the help of Larry Fitzgerald.

The Guardians head back to Canton for more instructions. It seems that the Philadelphia Eagles are headed to Arizona for a game against the Cardinals as they speak. RZ instructs the Guardians to head back to Arizona to escort the team to the stadium. Brent Celek is their player contact. As they head off to the stadium, a few Guardians hop on the team bus while the others guard the bus from the air. Marty hops on the bus and has a little heart-to-heart with Brent about the changes that are happening in his life. Brent is full of good advice, which is cut short because of an attack by Drop Kick and Wild Card. The battle is intense and they inevitably lose the Core to the Anticorians. During the battle, Wild Card plants a chip on one of the Guardians.

The chip Wild Card placed on the Guardian was a video of the Anticorians plan. The Guardians must retrieve each MegaCore or the world is doomed. They use an experimental cloaking device to enter the Anticorian lair. They swipe the stolen MegaCores and kick Drop Kick off of a cliff. Back at Anticorian Camp, no one can find the files that the plans were stored on. Wild Card truly lived up to his name.